Drills / exercises for athletes in quarantine

Ladder drills for fitness. https://youtu.be/iICTuTZCJyM

Running and sprint work to keep in shape. https://shoresportsnetwork.com/staying-game-ready-during-covid-19-part-1/

The dot drill – Check the IG post below for a super easy drill that will work your agility, coordination, speed, and endurance. It doesn’t require much space–all you need is to make 5 “dots”. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XIUxVn0Cf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

2 great follows on TWITTER – both putting up a lot of information on at home workouts and drills

Great article about how college athletes are trying to do little things at home to stay in shape. https://www.si.com/college/2020/03/20/college-football-spring-coronavirus-impact-unc?xid=socialflow_facebook_si&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sportsillustrated&utm_source=facebook.com&fbclid=IwAR26eaChtALSHJqW_rvtKq_TJ6N3ipQgA6p2WfGOtYEn7RjarU8wIbR6lPo

Baseball stretching routine – https://youtu.be/aMqbi7hmWJk